
Google Product Updates

Google is always improving - check out the newest Google Product Updates as of January 13th!


AutoML Natural Language – text and document classification, sentiment analysis, and entity extraction: GA

Build and deploy custom machine learning models that analyze documents in order to categorize them, as well as identify entities and sentiment within them. Blog | Documentation

Cloud Vision API – multi-regional support for optical character recognition (OCR): GA

Access OCR features and select where your data will be processed in two new regions: US and European Union. Documentation


Compute Engine – 100 Gbps virtual machines: beta

Achieve 50–100 Gbps of VM network bandwidth for V100 and T4 GPU VM instances using the Compute Engine virtual network interface (gVNIC). Documentation


Cloud Storage – BigQuery Data Transfer Service: GA

Schedule recurring data loads from Cloud Storage to BigQuery. Now you can choose to load data on a fixed schedule – and load only new data to your destination table. Documentation

Cloud Dataproc – SparkR job types: GA

Use dplyr-like operations on datasets of nearly any size stored in Cloud Storage using SparkR, a package that provides a lightweight front end to use Apache Spark from R. SparkR also supports distributed machine learning using MLlibBlog | Documentation


Cloud SQL – connection organization policy: GA

Centrally manage public IP settings for Cloud SQL to reduce the security attack surface of Cloud SQL instances from the internet. Restrict access to Cloud SQL instances: allow only private IP access or allow only Cloud SQL proxy access to a public IP address. Documentation

Cloud Bigtable – table-level identity and access management: GA

Use table-level IAM to control each user’s level of access to individual Cloud Bigtable tables. Documentation


Curated solutions now available in Healthcare Marketplace: GA

Access the Cloud Life Sciences API and the Cloud Healthcare API, along with a wide variety of solutions available on Google Cloud for healthcare and life sciences, in the Healthcare Marketplace – and launch them in your Cloud Console with just a few clicks. Healthcare Marketplace


Stackdriver – managing dashboards by API: beta

Create, read, update, and delete dashboards and charts using the Dashboard resource in the Stackdriver Monitoring API. Documentation

Cloud Billing – Cost Table report: GA

Get a detailed, tabular view of your monthly costs for a given invoice or statement, including project-level cost details and SKU IDs, right in your Google Cloud Console. You can also customize your report view and download the report data to CSV. Documentation


Cloud Load Balancing – Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing: GA

Run and scale Compute Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine services behind a private load balancing IP address that’s only accessible inside your VPC network. Route traffic based on HTTP attributes, perform redirects and rewrites, and fine-tune your load balancing algorithm. Documentation

Cloud Load Balancing – Layer-4 Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing as a next hop: GA

Use ILB as a next hop to load balance traffic to a pool of health-checked third-party VM appliances. Blog | Documentation

Cloud Load Balancing – Layer-4 Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing global access: beta

Enable your client VM instances to access the L4 ILB from any region, while keeping your layer-4 load balancer’s backend instances in the same region as the L4 ILB. Blog | Documentation

Serverless VPC Access: GA

Create more secure connections by setting up access directly to your VPC from App Engine and Cloud Functions without leaving the Google network or using the public internet. Blog | Documentation


Cloud Key Management Service – Cloud External Key Manager: beta

Protect data at rest in BigQuery and Compute Engine using encryption keys stored and managed in a third-party key management system deployed outside of Google’s infrastructure. Blog | Documentation

Cloud Identity and Access Management – Cloud IAM Conditions: beta

Define and enforce conditional, attribute-based access controls for Google Cloud resources. Set time-based conditions for scheduled, break-glass, or temporary access, and resource-based conditions for access using service, type, and resource name prefix matching. Documentation

Secret Manager: beta

Securely and conveniently store and retrieve API keys, tokens, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data. Documentation

FedRAMP adds High and additional Moderate authorizations for Google Cloud Platform: GA

Run compliant workloads at the highest level of civilian classification with FedRAMP High authorization for 17 Google Cloud products in five cloud regions. In addition, FedRAMP Moderate authorization has expanded to 64 products in 17 cloud regions. Blog


Google Cloud Platform Support – group support for Enterprise Support customers: GA

Configure access to Google Cloud Platform Support for groups and organizations. While Role-Based Support offers predictable rates and a more flexible configuration, Enterprise Support provides the fastest response times and a dedicated Technical Account Management contact. Documentation